- Filtration
- Chromatography
- Evaporation (to Dryness)
- Distillation and Fractional Distillation
Crystallisation (as mentioned in previous post)- Magnetisation
- Sublimation
- Separation of immisicible liquids
Now, I'll be talking about Sublimation! Sublimation is a process in which a solid substance gains heat and turns into a gas substance, bypassing the liquid state. Examples of substances that sublime include Iodine and Dry Ice (Solid Carbon Dioxide)
Taken from: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dry_Ice_Sublimation_2.jpg
Next, there is separation of immisicible liquids. They are basically liquids that don't mix with each other. To separate them, we use a separation funnel. The liquid with the higher density will remain at the bottom of the funnel while the liquid with the lower density will float on top. Take an example, water and oil. Oil has lower density, so it will float on top of the water, so when separating the two liquids, the water will flow out and into a beaker, whereas the oil will be left in the funnel.
That's all for now, hope you've learnt a bit more! ^-^